Friday, September 30, 2022

Putin's new land grab is dangerous for Ukraine -- and the world

The recent annexation of Ukrainian territory in the eastern parts of Ukraine symbolizes a fracture in the structure of the international. The article talks about how the Russian annexation of Ukrainian territory and holding sham elections is dangerous for Ukraine and the world. These elections will fracture the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government and the West will fight amongst itself to either cut off the flow of arms and aid to Russian-controlled Ukraine or prepare for an escalation of the conflict. Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to use whatever means are necessary (even the deployment of nuclear weapons) in order to achieve its geopolitical goals. 

The threat of Putin's sham elections poses a bigger threat around the world. That threat is other regimes learning and using Putin's efforts as a way to learn how to overthrow democratic regimes across the world. "It represents a fundamental challenge to the international rule of law if allowed to stand"(CNN).

Putin's new land grab is dangerous for Ukraine -- and the world (

By: Andres Perez Delgadillo

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