Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cairo Clashes Leave 24 Dead after Massive Protests

Clashes outside the State TV center quickly led to a massive violent protest, as protesters were repelled by Army soldiers. 24 people were killed in the protest, as well as over 200 injured on both sides of the conflict. The conflict began as Coptic Christians protested the destruction of a Church in Cairo by Muslim Extremists, and soon thousands of protesters were met by security forces.Each side claimed that the other side began fighting, however in the end massive amounts of damage were done to streets, military vehicles, cars, and buildings. Cairo is in a Curfew until further notice, as the Egyptian Security Council will meet tomorrow for an emergency hearing. This issue of relations between the Egyptian government and the Coptics will remain in the headlines so long as there is instability in Egypt.

by Brandon Bard

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