Thursday, February 5, 2015

Russia Vs. US : Ukraine edition

Crystal Hartsough

In this article on the BBC website, it says that the French President and the German Chancellor are going to meet in Moscow to get Russia to stop helping the rebels in the Ukraine. Moscow denies helping them, and in contrast the US is considering sending firearms to the Ukraine in order to help fight the rebels.

Since this is a pretty complicated issue, I'm not sure what to think. I guess it's up to the realists to figure this one out. Would it be better to stay out of this issue? This kind of situation makes me think of the unipolar hegemon that the United States is said to be. On one side, Russia, a non-competitor for the world power, is being visited by French and German representatives to be told to "stop it," whereas the United States is about to very deliberately play a hand in an international issue that they have no hand in. By giving firearms to the Ukraine, while Russia is being 'scolded' for allegedly helping the rebels, the United States is kind of showing off it's power and influence. The Ukraine will not fall to rebels because the United States has dictated it to be so.

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