Saturday, February 28, 2015

Netanyahu’s address to Congress

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, will speak this upcoming Tuesday to President Obama in a joint meeting of Congress.  His topic of discussion is Iran and its nuclear program as he will only agree to deals that include the dismantling of Iran’s uranium-enrichment program and wishes for economic sanctions to be stiffened.  Netanyahu’s supporters believe that the prime minister’s warnings of Iran are coming true while critics say that he has been saying the same thing for the past twenty years.  Critics also believe that Netanyahu will begin to act in ways which will damage Israeli relations with the United States.  Opponents believe the speech is a tactic for reelections on March 17th by instilling fear towards Iran and opposing President Obama who is not popular in Israel.  The speech will be written by Netanyahu himself as he considers himself an authority on the Iran nuclear program and an expert on the people and politics of the United States.  This will be the third joint meeting of Congress that Netanyahu has addressed.  Winston Churchill is the only other foreign leader to call for three meetings and critics believe that Netanyahu doesn’t possess the same authority as Churchill to do so.  It appears as if the prime minister has been working against the U.S. administration instead of with it.

Marissa Holaway

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