Sunday, February 8, 2015

Iraqi Children For Sale

As the entity of ISIS proves itself to be more and more gruesome, it still delivers new catastrophic events. In their new tactic of selling Iraqi children, the conflict between Sunni and Shia, or minority sects of Islam such as Shia or Yazidi have come to the forefront. Much of ISIS's agenda is focused on eliminating "devil-worshippers", or any form of Muslim that is not member of the much larger, mainstream Sunni sect. This raises the question of what essentially their motive is. In class we discussed political and cultural goals that become central for a terrorist group's plan. Here, we see ideological tensions that have been present for thousands of years arise. Although many Muslims face scrutiny in a Westernized world, it is within the Muslim community that much violence occurs. Conflict between Sunnis and Shias has been known for centuries, however, it has become a vehicle for ISIS's very being. The UN has reported thousands of Iraqi children being sold within Iran, primarily for sex-trafficking usage. The barbarity is undeniable, however it begs the question of when ISIS will stop. When they have eradicated all Shias? The systematic planning used in the selling is indicative of just how powerful and well-organized ISIS is, redefining what it means to be a terrorist group. Much of their behavior is so thoroughly planned, that the outcome is unmatched.

Yoomna Rahim

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