Monday, November 4, 2019

In Jakarta's cemeteries they're stacking the dead six deep

In Jakart, at the Karet Bivak cemetery, the second largest public cemetery in the city, overcrowding and cost of new burial plots has caused Karet Bivak to allow famiies to bury multiple individuals in single graves. They do so by either stacking the bodies next to, or on top of previous skeletons within the grave. Up to six members of the family have been buried in the same plots. This policy was meant to be a shortgap solution to the ever growing shortage of burial land in the city. However, it is not just the cost which disportionially affects the poor, it has lead to infighting amongst families for who gets to be buried in the plot, leading to family members preventing some(due to some emotions) from being buried there on the plot. Officials claim the lack of cemetery land is concerning but not yet a crisis. But the concern is should we wait for it to become a full blown crisis, or should Jakart begin to develop new public cemetery land, as some officials argue.
Weston Valkner

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