Monday, November 4, 2019

Trump Pulling Out of Paris Climate Pact

The Paris Climate Pact contains about 200 countries in which they all have agreed to set a national goal to reduce or limit their pollution of heat trapping gases. Trump has been thinking about pulling out of this agreement for quite some time now... but the agreement states that no country can withdraw within the first 3 years of agreeing to the pact. The agreement went into effect in November of 2016, and now that 3 years have passed Trump can finally make a decision as to whether he wants to continue to be apart of this pact or not. The process begins with writing a letter to the United Nations and can take about a year to be processed, which would result as the United States no longer being apart of an effort to try and change global warming/ climate change. China coming in first place with 9,839 million tons of CO2 emissions, we are in second place for contributing to global warming with 5,270 million tons of emissions. Although there is no penalty for withdrawing, our country will dwell in shame from millions knowing that we are contributing tons of pollution into the air and that Trump wants nothing to do with the efforts to try and combat global warming. 
This is actually extremely troublesome to me that the man who runs our country wants to withdraw from an agreement that is trying to help our environment and our world. Climate change is being caused by the burning of coal, oil and gas has a huge effect on the life around us as ice is melting and ocean levels are rising. Many species that live in icy areas such as polar bears and penguins are losing their homes and specific ecosystems will be destroyed if this continues. If Trump is worried about not reaching the standards of the Pact and that is why he is withdrawing, it's anti-productive. He can still work toward getting our country in gear and working toward reducing the amount of pollution we admit into our air. If there is no penalty either way, then why withdraw? Instead it would be beneficial for our country to work toward coming together and realizing that this is an issue that is on the rise. 

Image result for climate change
By: Nicole Bellino

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