Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Zimbabwe Plans Wildlife Migration

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Over 200 elephants and many other species have been impacted by the droughts in Zimbabwe. Because of the lack of food and drinking water, the Wildlife agency has plans to move 600 elephants from Save Valley Conservancy to three other national parks. Additionally, antelope, buffalo, giraffes, and wild dogs will be moved in order to save as many of these species who are suffering in this area.

The area has been suffering from concerning weather conditions include above-average temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns has been a disaster for the people living in Southern Africa who depend upon the agriculture. The United Nations has been notified of these areas whose food sources are dwindling down and becoming scarce. Nine Southern African countries are in crisis mode and have severely low food supplies, and they're estimating that the amount of countries who will be enduring this same crisis is only going to increase. Meanwhile temperatures in southern Africa will be increasing at "twice the global average." This is just another example of why we should be paying more attention to climate change. It's concerning that for another blog I wrote about Trump's intention of pulling out of the Paris Climate Pact, where this would be a way for the United States to limit their pollution and show the world that we care about what is going into our air supply as it is affecting the o-zone layer. 

"We've had the worst drought in 35 years in central and western areas during the growing season," said the World Food Program's acting regional director for southern Africa. It breaks my heart that so many species of animals are suffering from these droughts along with millions of people who have no dependable food supply due to unpredictable rainfalls. Along with droughts, the area has been receiving massive floods. Both are destroying lands for agriculture and making the lands hard for many species to live on. 

By: Nicole Bellino

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