Saturday, November 23, 2019

US Security Adviser Says World Silent on China Camps

US security advisor, Robert O'Brien, says that the world is silent on China re-education camps. O'Brien said that he believed that the world's silence on the 1 million Muslims currently present in Chinese re-education camps is due to China's economic influence and power in the rest of the world. He further went on to basically call the camps a genocide of China's minority Muslim Uighurs population, and said that after every genocide all you hear is never again, never again, but now there is another genocide occurring in China, and no one speaks up about it. China denies that any wrong doing by the state is occurring in these camps, and says that they are schools designed at providing their populace with employable skills and combating extremism. The US has condemned them occasionally, but not as frequently or as adamantly as some may like due to the ongoing trade negotiations. O'Brien then further went on, talking about the US's concern over the Hong Kong protests, and that he does not wish to see another Tiananmen Square type crackdown on the pro-democracy protestors.

-Alex Kitzmann

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