Sunday, November 10, 2019

U.S. Troops in Syria

As U.S. troops invade Syria, the residents hope that the troops will bring stability and rid the area of the Syrian government. Bashar Assad, the Syrian President, has neglected the area and ruined the economy. Despite the flourishing resource of oil that this area has, the economy has been driven into the ground. The Syrians who have been protesting the Syrian government becoming allies with Iran, have found relief in Trump's decision to invade and send in troops to these areas. They want the U.S. troops to take over the oil fields, hoping that Trump will bring in more jobs for the unemployed and boost their impoverished economy. Experts don't believe that there's a lot of hope due to how unkept the fields are and how oil production has decreased from 380,000 barrels a day to only 80,000 barrels a day. 
U.S. troops including mechanized armored vehicles will be in the area for the first time ever. The main reason for our troops being there is not for the oil, but rather focusing on the relationship between Iran and Syria. The Syrian residents are holding on to hope that the U.S. doesn't pull out of this agreement when something goes wrong, because the people need some stability in their lives and in their economy. 

By: Nicole Bellino

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