Saturday, November 30, 2019

Students Fainting From Hunger In Venezuela's Failing School System

With the decline in the Venezuela economy that began in 2013, education has declined immensely. Millions of Venezeulans have left the country in the 6 most recent years the economic crisis has been occuring. Among these citizens, teachers started leaving their jobs that payed only $8 per month. They fled to find work in nearby cities or completely left the country to start over and overcome poverty. As more teachers left, the younger generation was in desperate need to be educated. The economy here has been at a constant downfall since. The younger generation is lacking basic knowledge and teachers to teach them what they need to know. According to the article, "the collapse of the education system in Venezuela is not only condemning an entire generation to poverty, but risks setting the country's development back decades...". Students' families are struggling to provide food, therefore, making the children rely on eating school meals. But because of the economic crisis, schools stopped serving food and became a large deciding factor if a student would attend class or not. Of the few students who still attend school, they risk fainting from hunger while trying to learn all they possibly can before having to begin working in fields to support their families.

By: Chloe Erickson

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