Monday, November 18, 2019

US has the most detained kids

According to a study by the UN that was written by an international law expert, separating babies and children from their families “in order to deter irregular immigration” is prohibited by treaties. And yet the United States has the world’s highest rate of detained kids, this includes more than 100,000 children in immigration related custody which violates international law. The United Nations and it’s Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty state that children should only be detained as a measure of last resort and I believe it’s the least the US should do although I personally don’t believe in detaining immigrant children and separating them from their loved ones at all. As of today, the US still has more than 100,000 children who are in migration related detention. Therefore this article also states that this immigration detainment at the Mexican-US border is “inhuman treatment for both the parents and the children”. This may be difficult for some people to understand but it’s the logical truth because at the end of it all, these people are human just like everyone else in the US. Immigrant or not, I don’t think anyone would ever want to be in these kids shoes regardless of if they fully understand everything about this ongoing issue or not since when you’re a kid you can’t truly understand why there are people separating you from your family.

-Melissa A.

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