Sunday, November 10, 2019

Spain's Socialists win national election; right-wing Vox Party surges-Tom Pancione

Tom Pancione

Spain's Socialists win national election; right-wing Vox Party surges

Spain had another election today. Their fourth in as many years, and while the socialist won the most seats they don't have enough for an absolute majority or a coalition with left wing partners. Meanwhile the right wing was up in this election with Vox being by far the biggest winner gaining 28 from last election in April giving them 52 in the Spain parliament. The People's Party was up 22 giving them 88 seats from their disastrous 66 last election. Though the Liberal party Citizen utterly collapsed losing 47 seats leaving them with only 10. This after they tried to copy some of Vox's policy positions. Though there are several regional parties entering parliament. Either the People's Party or the socialist party and there allies on both sides would have to do considerable political wrangling in order to form a governing coalition. Though this is expected to be all but impossible, since the Regional Parties have been historically hard to work with and are often contradictory to both the Left and the Right. If both the socialist and the People's Party fail to form a government it could mean a fifth election. Spain hasn't had a sable coalition/government since 2015, which is very worrying. For a personal perspective if you can't form a government, because you have so many regional parties, I think it undermines democracy. Speaking of regional parties pro-Catalan independence parties managed to get I believe 22 seats in parliament. So again they are a force to be dealt with after the leaders that tried to break away from Spain where just recently sentenced to prison for trying to break from Spain.

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