Sunday, May 29, 2016

Easter Island statues could fall due to climate change, U.N. says

It has been reported that higher waves due to climate change have been chipping away at the platforms of some 500+ year old national artifacts, especially the famous statues on Easter Island. A deputy of climate change said that "some Easter Island statues are at risk of being lost a sea because of coastal erosion". This can also be said of at least 31/1,000 other world heritage properties. Detailed research has grown out of the Paris summit about climate change in December, where 195 countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gases to keep an average global temperature from rising by 2 degrees Celsius. In doing this, the sea level should cease rising, and habitat loss and extreme weather changes should decrease. According to the National Park Service, the Statue of Liberty itself is threatened by climate change and that the cost of future damage to this "international symbol of freedom and democracy is incalculable", especially considering that three quarters of Ellis Island flooded in 2012 and had roughly $77 million in damages.

Hailey Brzoska

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