Sunday, April 10, 2016

Macedonian Police Use Tear Gas at Boarder to Keep Migrants Out

On Sunday the Macedonian police sprayed rubber bluets and bombed tear gas on migrants trying to break through the boarder fence of a refugee camp in Idomeni, Greece. A Doctors Without Boarders manager says that they treated refugees, many of whom were women and children, for tear gas poisoning. People who have been forced to live in tent camps along the boarder of Greece are stating that they will either die there, or die trying to leave.

Boarder shutdowns throughout Europe are forcing migrants specifically from Turkey to remain in Greece or face being sent back to Turkey as many boarders are being shutdown throughout Europe to counteract the major influx of refugees seeking asylum. Tensions rise between the two countries as more and more illegal immigrants are coming to Greece in search of safety from the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Greece is overflowing with immigrants while nearby European countries are adjusting their immigrant policies, and shutting down their boarders.

This instance in Macedonia of desperate migrants attempting to go through boarder fences from Greece into Macedonia is one of many instances of how the refugee crisis is being poorly handled by many European countries as refugees seeking asylum are met with similar dangers they sought to escape from by leaving the Middle East.

Livia Gazzolo

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