Sunday, April 17, 2016

Pope Flies 3 Migrant Families to Vatican

This past week the Pope visited the Greek Island of Lesbos and met with some refugees of the Middle East. Through the wars and chaos that is happening in the Middle East, Greece has offered some shelter to these people. Upon completion of the end of his visit, the Pope decided to bring three Syrian Refugee families home with him to Vatican City. The Pope is said to have wanted to make a gesture that he welcomes everyone. One thing that I found interesting about the three families is that despite being Muslim, the Pope welcomed them anyways. Always on the news or the radio or in other peoples conversations, we hear people that are not accepting of other cultures and/or religions. To see the head of the Catholic Church being so kind and welcoming to people in need really made me feel good inside. One statement that the Pope said that really spoke to me was, "I have always said that building walls is not a solution. We saw walls during the last century and they did not resolve anything. We must build bridges. Bridges are built with intelligence, with dialogue, with integration."I believe that this statement is true. Far too much today are people centered around cutting a culture or a religion out completely instead of understanding one another. I definitely believe that this is a step in the right direction. 

-Lauren Whelan

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