Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ex-Nuke Manager Admits Chinese Paid Him For Secrets

Ching Ning Guey, a former Tenessee Valley Authority employee, admits that the Chinese government paid him for secrets about nuclear water reactors. Guey is from Taiwan originally but has been an American citizen since 1990. The Chinese government began their relationship with him in 2004 through a man named Szuhsiung "Allen" Ho, who Guey met in the 1990s. Currently Ho is in jail awaiting trial in June or later based on evidence gathered by the government connecting him with at least six other contacts with American secrets. Ho is the middle man between the Chinese government and the American workers. He was in charge of recruiting the workers.

The Chinese government desires to build nuclear technology similar to American technology. Guey was working closely with information on the development and production of nuclear material. In 2013, the Chinese government had Guey fly to China, paid for by the government, to sell secrets. So far, Ho, Energy Technology International, and China General Nuclear Power are being charged with conspiracy to commit espionage. Guey is protected under his plea deal, which is granting him immunity from the other charges in the Ho indictment in exchange for his total cooperation with the investigation.

Luke Blocker

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