Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mexican Police Tortured Suspects in Students' Case

The police force in Mexico continues to be a problem as alleged suspects in the disappearance of 43 Mexican students have been said to have been assaulted by police. The human rights expert groups claim that at least 17 suspects show signs of beatings with bruises and scrapes. This isn't the first case in Mexico of police brutality and seems to be a cover up for a bigger issue. It is said that the 43 students that were missing were taken by corrupt police officers. If the problem lies within the police department, why isn't the Mexican government doing anything to help the situation? It is said that the government just wants to push the disappearance of the students under the rug. How long will these problems go on in Mexico before something is done? It makes me wonder if Mexico is going to be able to solve it's problems on its own or if it is going to take the help of other countries or organizations to end the problems.

Lauren Whelan

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