Sunday, May 1, 2016

China tightens its grip on foreign NGOs

China has recently passed a controversial law imposing new regulations for all nongovernmental organizations operating within the country. This law requires those organizations to submit to any police inspection and let the government know at any point in time where their funds are coming from and going to. This has led to widespread criticism from human rights activists globally because of the harsh infringements on freedoms of expression and assembly. My own thoughts about this is that China is no cakewalk for anybody, this has been known for many years so having a law like this go into effect just does not surprise me. Sure it is probably a human rights and privacy violation in many regards, but China plays by their own rules. Some might say by doing something like this you will drive away business, which is likely to happen. But in reality, business as usual will continue, you will just have to be prepared to hide all of the "medicinal" drugs when the government randomly shows up at your door one day! But my guess is that these checks won't be too stringent considering China does not want to drive away business from their country.

-Chris Kucinsky

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