Sunday, April 8, 2018

The scary results of Hungary's elections

Timea Mozsi

Hungary had a very important election over this weekend and Viktor Orban has announced winning for the third time. He has served as Prime Minister of the country for a very long while and appears to have changed the Fidesz party from what it initially started out to be. The Fidesz part is said to have been more liberal in the beginning and now has transformed into what seems more like a right wing dictatorship. The Fidesz party also won two-thirds of the seats in parlament which will allow them to have a supermajority, meaning they while have the freedom to pass any law that they see fit, without opposition. The one positive thing seems to be that the extreme right-wing party, the Jobbik, did not win, however, they followed in second place. But Orban and Fidesz also have a bad reputation of being racist, right-wing, and anti-immigration with Orban building his own version of "Trump's Wall", a 100,010 mile fence along the borders of Serbia and Croatia. Many Hungarians feel there is nothing that they can do other than leave the country. Records show that Hungary has 30,000 of its citizens leaving the country every year.


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