Sunday, May 1, 2016

"Iraq PM Orders Arrests After Breach of Baghdad's Green Zone"

Protesters, in support of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in Iraq breached the Green Zone (the inner government district in the capital) and stormed the parliament building on Saturday. Sadr' had previously called for the pressuring of the Iraqi government into implementing reforms. The protesters left the parliament building that night and held a sit-in at the Saddam-era Grand Festivities Square. The protesters expressed that they are angry with the corruption in their government and want a political system that cares more about its people that pleasing political parties. The only reasons that security forces did not open fire on the protesters were that more chaos would ensue and that they could not force them from the area. In the face of financial crisis, attacks by ISIS, and a corrupt government, the Iraqi people have gained concern from the U.N., which has released a statement condemning the violence against government officials and urges "'calm, restraint and respect for Iraq's constitutional institutions at this crucial juncture.'"

Meredith Teuscher

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