Friday, January 25, 2019

Answering the call: The women on the front lines of Japan's defense

Japan has now opened their military doors not just to citizens younger than 27, citizens as old as 32 years old but now they have began to enlist women in their forces. This article accounts on that fact Japan is worried about their population decreasing drastically from 124 million to 88 million by 2065. The main reason for woman stepping up to the plate and wanting to willing serve their country. This article accounts of a young 22 year old woman who says she wanted to join Japanese military because of the recent flooding that destroyed her home and village. She goes on to summarize a little about what the woman recruits do. They are treated as man when it comes to learning how the military operates. They are being basic trained at one of the only woman naval bases in Yokosuka. The world is changing when it comes to gender norms, Japan's government passed a law saying women can do more than administrative work. Additionally, Japan would like to rise their percent of women recruits from 6.1% to 9% by 2030.

Kaelyn Hill

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