Sunday, January 27, 2019

With Hundreds Missing Following Burst Brazil Dam, a Frantic Search for Survivors

The town of Brumadinho, Brazil, is full of desperate locals, trying to find their missing loved ones a day after the terrible accident in which a mining dam collapsed in southern Brazil. So far, at least 34 people have died and about 300 people are missing.   

The dam is part of an open-pit mining complex and is owned by a Brazilian iron mining company, Vale. This company experienced a similar catastrophic accident three years ago at a nearby dam in the town of Mariana causing a severe environmental disaster and human loss. However, the accident at Brumadinhos caused more damage as it also buried nearby homes as well as the structure of the mine, generating more victims. 

The Regional Civil Defense office leads rescue efforts, but the team knows that the more time that passes, the less likely they will be able to find survivors.

Lupita Turriff

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