Sunday, January 27, 2019

Venezuelan President(?) Maduro blaims US-led coup for political upheaval

There have been massive and at times deadly protests in Venezuela recently. This is because many believe that the president, Nicolas Maduro, was re-elected through a rigged election. Juan Guaido, leader of the opposition party, declared himself the interim president while they try to kick Maduro out of power and can have new elections. Maduro is now blaming a "US conspiracy" which is referring to reports that VP Mike Pence said that Guaido had full US support leading up to him claiming the presidency. It is a tense situation in Venezuela. Maduro told US diplomats to leave the country, but Pompeo says the US does not recognize Maduro's power to do so and has told Venezuelan diplomats to remain in Washington. The US embassy in Venezuela warned US citizens in the country that they had limited power to protect them and urged them to leave the country. The US and other Western powers recognize Guaido as president, while China, Russia, and others support Maduro. However, it looks like the ones with the power to resolve the situation at the moment are the military in Venezuela. The support for the two leaders seems to be split within the military. Guaido pitched a bill that would grant amnesty to military personnel and others that defect against Maduro. Best case scenario is that the military sets up new and fair elections and the worst case scenario is god forbid civil war. Either way, the situation has potential to further draw major powers into the conflict.

-Devin Carrier

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