Thursday, January 31, 2019

Emily Knutson: Polar Vortex Claims Eight Lives as US Cold Snap Continues

The United States and Canada are getting hit with the polar vortex and it is changing the way people act and cities run. Many businesses and schools have been shut down, leaving students happy, but cold. Temperatures are reaching record-breaking lows, which is causing several deaths throughout the Midwest. The polar vortex has also caused flights to be canceled or delayed and has stopped the United States Postal Service all-together. I’m not sure what had more of an impact- the government shutdown or the polar vortex. A third of the U.S., ninety million people, are being urged to stay inside and they are taking that advice. However, the temperatures will have a dramatic change on Sunday February third- nearly fifty degrees. People have showed their kindness by doing what they can for the homeless in times like this. One man in Chicago bought hotel rooms for seventy homeless people to protect them from the cold. It is wonderful to see humans care for others in such trying times.

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