Sunday, January 27, 2019

Trump is actually prepared to let the government shut down again

`The government shutdown of 2019 was the longest shutdown in the history of the country. It completely stripped the government of billions of dollars and placed extreme hardship on millions of Americans, yet Trump is willing to restart it all over again. On Friday January 25, president Trump finally put an end to the shutdown by signing a solution that would keep the unfunded part of the government functional again. But, he only agreed  to resolve the shutdown for 3 weeks while Congress officials formulate a new plan that includes his "wall" money. If no formal agreement can be reached in 3 weeks, the situation can go one of four ways: they agree on a broader border security deal, no deal is reached and the government shuts down again, Trump declares a national emergency, or Trump caves and gets nothing.

By: Jocelyne Flores

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