Sunday, January 20, 2019

Trump offers 'compromise' to end government shutdown

US President Donald Trump is trying to get funding for his wall project as well, as to possible end the government shutdown, offering a compromise. One of the compromises is on the Dreamers, who are people who came to the United States when they were young with their parents while being illegal, he said he would extend the protection for  the Dreamers for another three years, allowing them to continue working and giving them working permits. But this compromise doens't benefit that much the immigration policy, seeing as it is not such a big development that the courts already offer.
So it is likely that the shutdown will continue, now going to four weeks since it started. President Trump needs to end the government shutdown in order to get the democrats to negociate his proposal. But so far this doesn't look like is going to happen.

By Mirna Solis

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