Saturday, January 26, 2019

Brumadinho dam collapse: 'Little hope' of finding missing in Brazil

Brumadinho dam collapse: 'Little hope' of finding missing in Brazil

On Friday, a dam collapse caused a mudslide that has killed at least eleven. In southeastern Brazil at an iron ore mine in the state of Minas Gerais, the collapse buried the cafeteria where the workers were eating lunch. Not only did the sludge bury the mining site, it spread to the nearby area where many of the workers live, destroying their homes and vehicles. The state governor is quoted as saying, "there is little chance of finding people alive." Any of the rescue evacuations had to be performed by helicopter as the roads and other points of access were demolished. The president took a helicopter flight today, Saturday, and said that it was hard to keep his emotions in check after seeing the extent of the damage firsthand. The pictures are devastating. The dam was owned by the largest mining company in Brazil, and the cause of the collapse is still unknown. Israel has offered equipment to help look for the missing people in the sludge, and the president has supposedly accepted the offer. The Brazilian EPA, also known as Ibama, has fined the company Vale initially with 250 million reais which is equivalent to almost 67 million US dollars.
by Megan Saar

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