Sunday, January 27, 2019

Will Corruption, cuts, and protest produce a new Arab Spring?

Will Corruption, cuts, and protest produce a new Arab Spring?

The end of 2010 marked the crumble of many dictatorships in the Middle East. The Arab Spring began with a series of anti-government protests, uprising, and rebellions, which the developed in global political conflicts (Syria). Tunisia at the time, set an example for other countries that followed their footsteps as they were able to successfully remove President Ben-Ali from over a decade of total power. Almost ten years later, countries such as Sudan that missed out on the first season of the Arab Spring are protesting against Omar Al-Bashir that dominated the country’s presidency for 29 years. The Sudanese citizens are protesting years of oppression, unemployment, corruption, bad governance, a struggling economy, and a complete lack of opportunities and good life standards. Sudan is not the only country where pressure is building, political unrests are also seen in Tunisia again, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt.

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Zohra Ouhabi

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