Saturday, January 12, 2019

Venezuela: Mike Pompeo calls Nicolas Maduro government in Venezuela "illegitimate"

In "Venezuela: Mike Pompeo calls Nicolas Maduro government in Venezuela "illegitimate"" written by Claudia Dominguez for CNN News, Dominguez details how the current US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has scrutinized Venezuela's government. Specifically, the current president Nicolas Maduro who will be serving another six years in office. According to the article, Pompeo would like to use diplomatic efforts to try to implement democracy in Venezuela. Also mentioned is the number of refugees fleeing the country due to the economic turmoil the country is facing. The socialist Maduro is accused of the election being a fraud and his election to office is illegitimate. Indeed, many groups are denying the legitimacy of the election like The Organization of American States. Even other countries, with Paraguay closing their embassy in Venezuela.

Article Link:

Alyssa Dahnke

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