Wednesday, January 30, 2019

US government scores worst mark since 2011 in global corruption survey- corinthian

Corinthian Fields

Unfortunately “The US scored its lowest mark since 2011 in a global survey measuring government corruption that was released Tuesday.” The way they do the rankings is 100 meaning the country was very clean and 0 meaning the country was basically nun at all and highly corrupted and each year all the way from 2015 this country had been dropping slowly from 76 percent in 2015 which not bad to the 50’s which is starting to get out of hand. But of course there is always something or an excuse and that is In a statement, the organization said the US score "comes at a time when the US is experiencing threats to its system of checks and balances as well as an erosion of ethical norms at the highest levels of power." So i guess just because everyone think we do privileged and the best country in the world it’s only right that they come test us during our struggles and down moments which is weird because it’s stated that they been doing this so if we getting 76 and 50 on our bad days imagine what we can get on a good day out of 100. I think that’s totally unfair when i first read the article i was thinking we as a country have to do better but now that i continue i see that they just wanna down us and make us seem so on line with all the other countries to make it even and seem there is no bigger difference at all. Patricia Moreira has said something about it because she didn’t like the fact of that also and she stated "corruption chips away at democracy to produce a vicious cycle, where corruption undermines democratic institutions and, in turn, weak institutions are less able to control corruption."... She also added, "With many democratic institutions under threat across the globe -- often by leaders with authoritarian or populist tendencies -- we need to do more to strengthen checks and balances and protect citizens' rights." I thought this was very important to talk about to show you guys how we are targeted in many ways and we have to wake up and pay attention to the little things like this to show you what they really think about the U.S.

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