Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hope Flynn - Women's March Unveils New Manifesto Supporting Anti-Semitic BDS Movement

The Women’s March as held in Washington DC this past Saturday despite its leaders openly embracing anti-Semitism sentiments and refusing to condemn and disaffiliate with anti-Semitism remarks made by leaders of other organizations. The anti-Semitism is so bad in the Women’s March that even the Democratic National Committee and Emily’s List have cut ties with the organization. One of the leaders, Tamika Mallory was repeatedly questioned this past week on whether she condemns Louis Farrakhan’s statements regarding Jewish people. She never did, and she did not cut ties with him. Another prominent leader, Linda Sarsour, stood on at the podium of the Women’s March and announced a manifesto that supports the anti-Semitic BDS movement. It was a 71-page document that “paid lip service” to the Jewish women who might have been in attendance by including them in the populations that supposedly support. Sarsour claims the March has rejected anti-Semitism within their organization, however, doing a search reveals “no unequivocal denial” but instead makes efforts to avoid denouncing statements made by Louis Farrakhan. The March even supports anti-Semitism movements like BDS against Israel with its founder, Omar Barghouti, stating on record that the movement “oppose[s] a Jewish state in any part of Palestine…Ending the occupation doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t mean upending the Jewish state itself.” This begs the question why this isn’t a bigger deal in the media and why they aren’t up in arms about the very real racism going on within the Women’s March.  

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