Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11 Memorial around the United States for 2019

It’s become a ritual in the United States to pausing for part of the day to remember the victims of the terror attacks 18 years ago in Manhattan, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania, where the airlines turned into weapons.
Today, the memorial and museum in Lower Manhattan will host its annual commemoration ceremony. Some more places in New York, like St.Paul’s Chapel of Trinity Church Wall Street will also pay tribute to these facts. Likewise, in other states, some other ceremonies will take place.
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the suffering of another group of people related to the tragedy: firefighters, police and other first responders who died or became ill after being exposed to debris and toxins in the air in the area. Nowadays, research continues into whether these diseases are linked to 9/11 toxins.

José Luis Villarreal

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