Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saudi Arabia oil attacks: Weapons debris 'proves Iran behind them'

Saudi Arabia's defense ministry has collected 18 drones and 7 cruise missiles that were fired at 2 oil facilities. Saudi Arabia agrees that it couldn't have been Yemen because of the direction that the missiles came from. So, Saudi Arabia believes Iran was behind the attacks. However, "Yemen's Iran aligned Houthi rebels have said that they were behind the attacks" and Iran has denied any involvement." Also, Iran stated that they will "retaliate against any attack that targeted it" which is very troubling for many reasons. First of all, the U.S. is involved in this entire mess and they are accusing Iran of the bombing which could mean the U.S. gets involved in this entire ordeal. On top of this, Trump has said that "the U.S. has 'many options'" in how to deal with this situation. Although, the U.S. may be correct in their claims because Saudi Arabia stated that the "precision impact of the cruise missiles indicate advanced capability beyond the Iran proxy's [Houthi Rebel force's] capacity." This attack is very serious because it destroyed a lot of oil and it is essentially "an assault on the international community" because the consequences of this attack will effect a lot of countries. This large of an attack should be met with some harsh punishments and the attackers should be held accountable. However, that is the hard part because the U.S. doesn't want to engage in another long war in the Middle East but they want to send a message and set the precedent.

Ben Williams

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