Monday, September 16, 2019

The Paper Predicting the End of Democracy

At the International Society of Political Psychologists in Libson, Professor Shawn Rosenberg delivered a paper containing an ominous prediction of the end of democracy. Rosenberg believes that the problem with democracy is that human brains simply are not designed for large-scale democracy in our modern world. He argues that as elites and the mainstream media, that once helped ordinary people break down and understand the complexities of self-governance, continue to be sidelined and distrusted in favor of news sources on social media, ordinary people will continue to embrace right-wing populist, and at times authoritarian, candidates, because they provide simple solutions to complex issues and require less work than actively participating in democracy.

Alex Miller

1 comment:

Alex Miller said...

I don't know why the time is wrong but I posted this at around 12:10.