Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hurricane Dorian Blows the Bahamas Away

Image result for bahamas hurricane dorian
"There are parts of Abaco and the Bahamas that don't show a great deal of damage, and then there are clusters and communities that were devastated, almost as though nuclear bombs were dropped on them," says Mark Green - head of the US Agency for International Development. Although a major comparison, Mark Green is right in saying that the damage done by this natural disaster has washed away the homes and lives of many. 43 confirmed deaths have been noted and grieved over at this time, not including the many that have been washed away or that have drowned because of the circumstances. A resident of Abaco is hanging in there while trying to survive and says, "There's no food, no medicine and no water." It's hard for these people to prepare for something out of their control, especially category 5 winds. The aftermath of this unbearable storm has many without shelter and the necessities they need to survive. It's hard for us here in the midwest to understand the amount of damage mother nature can do when it comes to a hurricane, but my heart goes out to those who are suffering. About 3,500 are fleeing the area of Abaco and heading to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. The capital is going to struggle providing many of the survivors the food, water and shelter that they need. It's devastating to think that millions of homes have been swept away and many families separated by Hurricane Dorian, but hopefully the efforts being made can continue to help people stay healthy and safe after all they have gone through.
By Nicole Bellino

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