Sunday, September 8, 2019

Polish Government may force European Council President to face trial

Tom Pancione

Currently a group of polish lawmakers have come to the conclusion that Donald Tusk current EU council President, and former Polish Prime Minister, should face a state court over allegations that he neglected to collect billions of dollars of Polish sales tax revenue. This is significant for a number of reasons, as the commission that founds that Tusk should face trial, is run by a majority of parliamentary members from PiS (Aka the Law and Justice Party) the current ruling majority in Polish Parliament. Tusk is a member of Civic platform, and as stated the former Prime Minister. Civic platform is a centrist pro-EU party. PiS is a right wing party which has a mixed reputation international, and a hated one within the EU. Some call it authoritarian and far right. However it is important to remeber PiS is not the most extreme party in poland, there was a group of actually nationalist party that got together in th EU elections, and part of there platform was to deny compensation for property taken by the Jews by the Nazis. (Thankfully they failed to meet the thereshold).  PiS was given a majority in parliament in the 2015 elections, they have done a number of controversial things, such as lowering the retirement age on the court from 70 to 65 in order to get rid of former communist judges. If Tusk is made to face trial over neglecting to collect tax money or stop tax fraud, this could have enermous political consequences both within Poland and the EU.

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