Sunday, September 22, 2019

South Korea's young men are fighting against feminism

There is a growing feminism problem in South Korea among young men. After a recent rally in Seoul, this issue is gaining attention. These men are complaining that their society no longer needs feminism, and it is only hurting the male population. They believe that young women are equal to young men. They acknowledge that there were problems, but they are gone now. Their biggest grievance is that men are required to serve in the military for two years while women are not. And in a society where women are beginning to get hired just as much as men, this makes women able to get these jobs sooner. South Korea's job market is very competitive as well, meaning that once a job is gone, it could be gone for years. The problem with the men's argument is that women are still making less in South Korea. The feminist movement is still needed in South Korea, but, as crazy as it sounds, there is a little bit of truth in the anti-feminist argument.

-Michael Gargano

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