Saturday, September 14, 2019

Boko Haram is back, with better drones

This article discusses the current issues happening in Konduga, Nigeria where the Boko Haram Islamist extremist group have been at war with the Nigerian military. For almost a decade now, Boko Haram has brought devastation to one of the poorest regions of the world, which has resulted in Nigerians fleeing there homes. Additionally, the corrupt government of Nigeria has not been properly aiding the military or putting in effort to improve the current living situation of its residents. Military soldiers of Nigeria have resulted in fleeing in moments of disaster and need. Some aid groups have stepped back from helping with this war because it is no longer called an acute emergency. Aid workers claim that a city called Maiduguri, still located in Nigeria, is surrounded by Boko Haram militants which makes this seem like a never ending war.

Chloe Erickson

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