Monday, February 15, 2021

A fight between the EU and UK reveals the ugly truth about vaccine nationalism - Palahniuk #2

 AstraZeneca recently released a version of the COVID19 vaccine in the European countries and in the United Kingdom. The EU has claimed that AstraZeneca promised them enough supply of the vaccine for all of their “high risked” citizens. Although it seems to show that AstraZeneca has been delivering more of the vaccine supply over to the UK, who has recently claimed a “Brexit divorce” to the EU. In order for the EU to keep track of vaccines, they put more tracking on where each vaccine was coming from and going to, making it clear that a dozen countries were excluded from exchanging the vaccine across borders. It is no secret that the EU and UK are making efforts to manage the location of the AstraZeneca vaccine because they want to make sure their country has it available for their people. But their actions of nationalism are not exactly ideal for helping the rest of the world who are in the same position they are. The EU has purchased enough vaccines to cover their population 3 times and the UK has purchased enough to cover their population 4 times. Many counties including these two have made some moves to contribute to the centralized effort to end this pandemic by donating money to other organizations working on developing a vaccine. But not offering to share their sources distributing the vaccine. This is a very contradicting move to play in times where the world needs unity effort to end a global health crisis.

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