Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hundreds of Nigerian Schoolgirls Taken in Mass Abduction- Blog Post 2

 There has been ongoing issues with kidnappings of students in West Africa, and on Friday, gunmen abducted 317 girls from from a boarding school in Nigeria. It seems there is an issue with security and safety within Nigerian schools, as the article stated that despite there being strong police presence near the building, the crime still occurred, and numerous lives are at stake now. Additionally, other children and teachers have had to flee to other areas for protection are not able to get education while doing so. In a statement from Nigeria's president, Muhammadu Buhari, he commented, "We will not succumb to blackmail by bandits and criminals who target innocent school students in the expectation of huge ransom payments." It seems that from this statement the president is alluding to the fact that there are issues within their country with criminals who have stolen money, or done other crimes. They are using children and innocent people at their expense as a form of blackmail because they do not want to pay for their crimes. 

Michelle Boban, Blog Post #2

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