Thursday, February 11, 2021

Puerto Rico's Women Have Been Heard - Finally

In this article by The Washington Post, written by Lizette Alvarez, Alvarez writes about how PR's new governor Pedro R. Pierluisi declared a state of emergency on gender-based violence. More specifically, Pierhuisu addressed the reality of the horrifying rate that PR women are murdered by PR men. Alvarez writes specifically that Pierluisi's executive mandate will help protect women with restraining orders, that it calls for the creation of a mobile app that will help women who feel threatened, and it funds a media campaign that brings awareness to domestic/gender-based violence. Alvarez also provides the disturbing report that 60 femicides - murders of women because they are women - occurred last year, in 2020. 

Puerto Rico has been going through a lot in the past few years to say the very least. I think Puerto Rico gets neglected a lot and it's messed up. The people of PR are good people and PR is a territory of the United States. The US needs to stop treating them as second-class citizens. These people are our people as far as I'm concerned and they deserve to get the help they need. It is absolutely horrifying that the women in PR are abused and murdered but it's good to hear that something is FINALLY being done about it. I'm actually a week or so late to this story but I found this issue deeply important to talk about.

- Jake T. Domingo

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