Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Four-year-old girl discovers 220 million-year-old dinosaur footprint at a beach in Wales

    Last Saturday, a four year old girl discovered a perfectly preserved footprint of a dinosaur. The little girl, Lily Wilder, noticed the foot print while walking down a beach in Wales with her dad. Thinking nothing of it, she alerted her dad of her find and to her dad's amazement, it was a perfectly preserved dinosaur footprint on a low rock. Although Lily couldn't grasp the amazing find she stumbled across, Lily's parents contacted fossil enthusiasts in the area so her findings could be shared. Paleontologists determined that this dinosaur originally stood 29.5 inches tall, and about 8 feet long. This type of dinosaur is known as a 'grallator' and this foot print is aiding scientists with more information on how these specific dinosaurs walked. Additionally, paleontologists were amazed with the preservation as they can see every muscle and joint in the foot.  This fossil is going to be preserved and placed into the Museum Cardiff where Lily will be recognized as the finder of this fossil. Additionally when the museum opens again, Lily's class will be invited to the museum to see the new addition to the museum. As we are living in such uncertain and un-nerving times, a story like this leaves readers with a feel good feeling and allows an escape from the stressful life we are currently in. 



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