Sunday, February 21, 2021

Deep Freeze Wallops Texas, Leaving Millions in Cold, Dark

Over the past couple of days, Texans have been experiencing the brunt of the cold weather as they have had no power to produce warmth and electricity in their homes. Power plants from gas all the way to nuclear power have not been in use as the record low temperatures have been heavily affecting their operation. In the countries second-most populous state, deaths are accumulating and public health is in a grave emergency due to the weather’s effects which cause many to be extremely frustrated with the state’s response and their failure to prepare for these weather conditions despite their rarity. With this in mind, I feel as though this will cause quite a bit of legal issues for the power plants as well as for the state of Texas given their response. Will families have the leverage to sue these powerplants for their lack of functionality in keeping their homes habitable? Will the state sue the powerplants for not being prepared to react and function even in whether emergencies and will there be a new standard as to how they will operate in the future? This also leads me to wonder whether Texans will sue the state for the lack of aid that they have been provided with. Despite the fact that Texas is a heavily republican ran state (in which they desire less government involvement), I am interested to see how the public responds to the lack of response from their officials. Will this be enough to sway the civilian’s minds in the future?

Kaytlyn Tyler

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