Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cuba's Private Sector Expansion

Last weekend Cuba drastically expanded the private sector on the island. Prior to the expansion, Cubans were only able to work roughly 127 different job descriptions such as a barber, tire repairer, or tree trimmer. The expansions has added around 2000 new jobs to the list, creating more opportunity and innovation from the citizens of Cuba. There will be 124 privatized job restrictions still, most will probably revolve around the monopoly nationalized companies have (healthcare, telecommunications, media). 

Hopefully, these decisions can move the United States to lift some embargos we have on the country as it is moving toward a more capitalist, and hopefully eventually a more democratic country. Cuba also seems to be taking an approach China has, having an authoritarian 'communist' government, with a mostly capitalist economic system, at least the economic freedoms are becoming more available to the Cuban people. 

- Mason Meiring 

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