Friday, February 19, 2021

The State of Texas

 With exponentially cold temperatures across the country we have seen a crisis develop. Back-to-back winter storms combined with freezing temperatures in the state of Texas has caused power outages across the state leaving millions of homes and businesses without power. As of late Thursday afternoon that number has dropped to about 350,000 which is quite an improvement but also a major issue. While the power is slowly being restored the water supply is still stuck with issues, leaving 7 million people under a boil water advisory. This horrific event is showing not only our lack of preparedness across the country for climate events such as these, but our lack of preparedness of what might be yet to come with the impacts of global climate change showing its teeth more frequently. As catastrophic as this event has been this could be something to help open the eyes of the American people to the true threat that lurks with climate change.

Kolby Miller #3

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