Saturday, February 6, 2021

Biden's foreign policy - The Global Agenda Submission 1

    In the article, "Reversing Trump Foreign Policy, Biden Criticizes Russia in First State Department Visit" by Lauren Egan and Abigail Williams, Egan and Williams talk about President Joe Biden's first visit to the state department and his remarks about Russia. This article and Biden's approach to foreign policy leave a lot to unpack. First, the overarching theme of Biden's approach on foreign policy is in stark contrast to Trump's foreign policy. Biden will be very involved in the world's affairs whereas Trump as we know, was solely concerned with American affairs.

    Biden also differs from not only Trump but Barack Obama in his approach to Russian meddling. Obama had attempted to 'play nice' with Russia and ultimately failed. Trump on the other hand had what is often referred to as a love affair with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This comes as no surprise because Trump in part had a lot to gain from Russias involvement in the 2016 presidential election, and as the world knows, Trump is Trump's top priority so if a win for Russia consequently means a win for Trump, then so be it. Biden, on the other hand, appears to be on the offensive. Biden specifically condemns the jailing of Alexei Navalny and brazenly demands that Navalny be, 'released immediately and without condition." It's going to be interesting to see how else Biden is going to be willing to challenge Putin and the Russian government.

- Jake T. Domingo

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