Sunday, January 18, 2015

As Europe Moves Aggressively Against Terrorism, New Challenges Emerge


After the recent incidents of Terrorism that took place in France, Europe is evaluating whether they are prepared to face the increasing threat of terrorism. Various European countries including Germany, France, and Belgium are looking for new procedures to make sure that tragic events like the attack on Charile Hebdo do not repeat. The article talks about several raids that have been performed in these countries in the last few days were many individuals linked to terrorism have been detained. In Belgium, two people where shot down on Thursday in a raid where heavily armed policeman found these individuals trying to impersonate police officers for a potential terrorist attack against the Belgian police force. European authorities are questioning whether the laws and procedures are sufficient to prevent more terrorist attacks in the future. A clear example of the need for improvement in security is that even though the three gunmen involved in the Charlie Hebdo attack had been supervised at different moments by French authorities and secret intelligence agencies, these men could still perform the terrorist act.

However, that's not the only challenge that Terrorism has brought to Europe. Muslim communities feel alienated in Europe, which makes it harder for them to access good jobs and education. This could potentially become the root of the problem as more young muslims have to recur to illegal ways of earning money, closing them the doors to improve their social status. It is very important that European authorities find a way of dealing with terrorism without creating an issue of social discrimination against muslim communities in Europe.

-Ricardo Morales

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