Sunday, January 25, 2015

Obama and Modi Meet to Improve Countries' Ties

This week, President Obama met with Prime Minister Modi in India to discuss the issue of nuclear reactors.  For years, American firms have been unable to build nuclear reactors in India.  After the discussions this week, nuclear contracts will be able to be signed between Indian and US firms.  Issues concerning liability have not yet been disclosed.  While the nuclear pact was the main purpose of the visit, the two leaders also renewed a defense pact and discussed environmental concerns.  In comparing articles from the Hindu and the New York Times, I found that the latter spent a large amount of time focusing on the amicable relationship between Obama and Modi, an emphasis that was not found in the Hindu.  In addition, the Hindu mentions the discussions on the Bilateral Investment Treaty and Intellectual property rights, both topics which impact many Indian professionals in the United States.

Marissa Holaway

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