Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mulims in France are Feeling Alienated, and for the Right Reasons

Although France forbids the collection of data on ethnicity and religion, there is said to be an estimated 5 million Muslims in France (about 7.5 percent of the population). This data concludes that France has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Most of these French Muslims emigrated from the French colonies in Africa. The French were never especially welcoming to the Muslim migrants, due to the fact the they are feeling that secularism has been used to attack Islam. Now, over 1,200 French Muslims have left France and joined ISIS in Syria (more than in any other country). This has been caused by the responses to the attacks on Charlie Hebdo - or lack thereof - from French Muslims.
full article:
Sarah Irene Rosenberg

1 comment:

Tim Mulhair said...

1,200 French Muslims didn't just go to sign up for ISIS after Charlie Hebdo was shot up. There's been a continuous stream of them from France and dozens of other countries pouring into Syria over the last couple years.

There's also relative degrees of being "not especially welcoming." French people weren't particularly welcomed to remain in Algeria after the colonial war ended: